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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

What Do Men Like?

Men look,
women see.
Men make roads,
women make villages.
Men learn who they are,
women know who they are.
So a woman asked me,
what do men like?
Women are seldom sure.
Men recognize their likes
and dislikes.
Men need what they desire.
Women choose for more reasons
than desire.
A man will sleep on his full stomach.
A woman will review what she ate.

These things do not explain
the workings of the universe.
Nor does it establish
one thing over another.
We are barely able
to open the locket of ourselves.
It is strange not to know
who you are.
Simply that women will watch a play
and men will act in it.
A man will keep your soul,
a woman will keep your child.
In all of this is love.
In all of this is tears.
So tell me what love is for?
Where the sun goes down,
is not where the sun will rise.

Published inIndex of all Poems