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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Snow Falling

Does the snow fall under the sea?
Does the wind call
from the bottom of the cave?
If not,
why do the bats return?
What silence sings to them?
How do you forget forever?
When does it begin?
Why does the flower
come to the soul?
Can physics explain it?
Does the soul go away unloved
for being nothing?

Why do I tremble being alone?
Am I a bottle of empty light?
Who tastes my lips
would burn forever.
If you ask my name,
I have forgotten it.
It starts with T,
and falls off an edge.
This is what I see
watching snow fall.
Pieces of the heart.
The world,
shaking off its light.
The clouds dying.
A mystery,
explaining itself.

Published inIndex of all Poems