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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Leaf Fall

How did I get here
from the small tributary
of my beginning?
Where the lake reached
into the sky,
and boats left with their sails.
How many dishes were broken?
Who paid the rent
and bruised their knees?
Who lifted me into the branches
before I fell?
The stars left no sign.
The distance between childhood
and youth,
was a meteor,
that never touched earth.

I have become many selves.
I can never find the one true self
Winter has invaded me
too often.
But watching leaves fall
one by one,
light appearing
where they left the sky.
I see a truth
beyond life’s consuming occupation,
the joy of innocence
light filling my eyes and heart.

Published inIndex of all Poems