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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

The Blue Morpho

One form of life is dream.
The Blue Morpho butterfly,
a silence on my wall
among chairs, couch, piano,
dreaming under glass.
Birthday gift,
the most beautiful of wings,
larger than my hand.
It’s no matter
beyond life’s flight
that I see it
in the morning dawn.

I would not mind
if someone found it pleasant
someday to see me,
a picture,
smiling, the remaining image
of a life,
and someone would say
to themselves,
you are happiness
of what was and remains.

So the gift wakes a dream,
like the wings of the
Blue Morpho,
what was and remains
its beautiful dream
in the heart and eyes.

Published inIndex of all Poems