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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Soul Watcher

Did the pterodactyls sound
like the Canadian geese
honking overhead?
Did they sail outlined in their chorus
by grace, configuration of flight?
Who believes the earth
has a soul?
Not I says the skeptic!
Not I says the cynic!
But above me I saw a soul
sketched on the sky,
or a piece of soul
in the contour of an arrow
persisting in the heavens.

With my own eyes I saw
what Judas could not see,
the dinosaurs singing!
Still living in the world,
eating the corn left in the
adjacent fields.
Nothing changed,
for the unimaginal soul.
I stand without wings
lifting my arms to the ache
of a song at dusk.
Who believes in the soul?
The soul I see chasing tomorrow
in the horizon,
sounding the bell of itself
above me.

Published inIndex of all Poems