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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Month: June 2011


She returns to the valley
of her ancestors,
as a flower,
to the peace of her people.
mother and grandmother.
A girl who stepped in the sea.
Who looked from the brightness
of her eyes,
into the life before her.
None who mourn her
were there,
in the garden of her childhood,
angel of wishes and dreams.

In her heart
she found the jewels of her being.
The gold of her children.
All the lives started,
deepened by her.
Let us honor this child
who wandered the mountain,
gazed into the sky,
felt rain on her face,
and in the sweetness of youth,
the endurance of age,
wrote the song of her life,
made beautiful with love.