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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Praying Mantis

I found a Praying Mantis
in the garden.
Like a priestess saying vows.
She was regal
in her four inch length
somber and proud.
I’d looked for her.
I’d seen her weeks old
as small as a tiny twig
in June,
and then the months passed
without a sign of her
until now.
I feel an odyssey has happened.
A summer passed
and tarnished itself with light.

on a begonia leaf
in devotions,
both of which we share,
I feel the little dance
inside her heart,
and knew
from time to time
until the frost
we will greet each other
in the shadows of the day,
and falling twilight of the year,
and I hoped
as time goes on,
another odyssey
would bless us, as before.

Published inIndex of all Poems