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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Savannah Squares


I love our Savannah squares.
It’s like a body with a dozen hearts.
Life comes out of the ground in dancing.
Sometimes I get turned around
when it’s dark.
Where am I?
Let me introduce myself,
and Savannah plays hide and seek.
Like the girl I chased through the squares,
her dress a cloud in the dark.

When the spirit moves me
I walk around a few squares,
each one a person in its own right,
and stop,
I don’t know why.
I just stare off mindful,
like I lost something,
like a child leaning forward
with nothing to hang on to.
Like maybe something will start.

This town never gives up its dreams.
It always has a few
and nothing’s over.
I never met my grandpa but we’re friends.
I just stand and wait
and he asks what I’m up to,
and I tell him what’s going on.
He played with me when I was little.
He was dead but it made no matter.
I was lonely and he just sat down
and told me stories.

My grandma thought I was cute
talking to myself.
But grandpa shook his head and I never told.
So at night,
sometimes during the day,
but mostly at night,
I tour the neighborhood and
Grandpa meets me at a corner,
and we go on happy as kids together.

Published inIndex of all Poems