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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Yellow Bird

What I’m saying may not interest
your vitality.
Make the air clap with thunder,
but I saw a yellow bird
climb the branches of a tree.

Of no concern to the universe,
but to me yellow,
and the tree broad and green
in its hospitality,
and somehow
we furnished a room
where tired angels might sit,
and listen to our commotion
about wind and trees,
and what makes one place nicer
than another.

Why a man chooses to hold one hand
and not another.
Well, because the smile is brighter.
Because the girl is gentle and gracious.
Listens to your concerns
and makes the day come together.
Like the bird
flying to the tree
and taking you with him.

Published inIndex of all Poems