My soul is running away.
It is looking into parallel places
where I have never gone.
Valleys that I can’t reach.
Places where I may never live.
Where only the imaginals of my being
can say, this is my eternity.
This is where vastness leaves me.
This is time to be, and time forgot.
It is an empty house by a shore
waiting for me to enter.
To bring chairs.
To sleep and wander in the yard,
and leave a note on the table.
I lived here for a moment.
My heart looked out each window
and I saw love gone by.
Everyone I love, and a few
looked back at me from mirrors.
Children that might have been.
Others that passed by and stopped here.
Wondering if I’d come.
Is this the destiny of parallel worlds?
A heartbeat away,
where I go and no further.
A house, where every day
is my life,
the same,
and different,
beyond understanding losses.