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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

It Doesn’t Happen, But It Does

Move carefully between
the hard and soft, my love.
If you touch a stone
it may shiver,
and fall in love with you.
You never know
how love begins,
but it does.
Insensates touch
falling into each other.

Tomorrow a great wave rises,
rogue off Africa.
From the calmness of the sea,
with no intent
sinks a ship.
No one knows why,
but it does.

Is it emptiness finding emptiness?
Intent, roused from sleep?
Love at first sight, the sightless?
With everything and anything.
With us.
With stones.
A giant wave.
A stone that shivers.
Why not?
It doesn’t happen,
but it does.

Note: The Draupner wave, a single giant wave, measured on Year’s Day, 1995, confirmed the existence of freak waves, previously considered near-mythical.

Published inIndex of all Poems