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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Sahara Desert

Where is the sea for your beaches,
You have enough beach
for every house on earth.
Enough mirage that no place
ever need be empty,
without a dream,
without astral shells to gather.
Nights so still you can shout
from one side of dawn to dusk.
So cold, sunrises shatter into jewels
of light.

You are a planetary world.
A palace of inconsolable ceilings,
shoals of sand,
a place where poems surrender
every syllable of their lines.
A journey through life on every dune.
A hall where the wind leaves its hands
imprinted on the bottom of the sky,
a sky that touches every stone,
while we leave footprints at its edge
and go no further,
awed before a citadel
big as a universe.

Published inIndex of all Poems