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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.


There is seawall between land and ocean.
An opposite space of man and woman.
So love, my love, is a distance between us.
The polarity of a tide.
Attraction so delicate, polar,
the beginning of day is the end of night
half a world away.
Love, you are twilight.
Love, you are day.
Marauder of sensual wonder.
Love, you are life to me.
You are where thought ends
and the heart begins.
At the seawall I sing with the waves.
I look to the edge of the shore,
land and sea coupling.
A passion that is the substance
of breath and blood.
We are a singularity of one,
between two distances,
as love moves between
collapsing wave and return.

Published inIndex of all Poems