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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Don Quixote

it’s true,
my life stays where it is.
I seldom leave
for want of a destination.
But my horse is ready.
My spirit has its helmet on.
I am ready to find
the kingdom of my heart.
The place where apples grow.
Where eyes flash with lightning,
and brave men stand grandly,
at their ease before virtuous women.
I know that destiny
includes some plan.
That I am in the best place
for things to happen,
as I eat cheese and drink my coffee.

As the years fall from my shoulders
and youth smiles from my new teeth.
That all sadness has left me,
and love has come in my life
with the purity of a chapel’s window.
So beautiful,
the sun melts the stone
on the floor,
and Don Quixote joins me
in my prayers,
and calls me brother.
The truth is where I stand.
Where the rain falls on me.
Where I lift my grandsons
in perfect joy,
and thank fate for life’s victory.

Published inIndex of all Poems