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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Snow Flurries

Any day now the first snow will come.
Like a ghost following me down the street.
At midnight when the air is clear
as a secret pool at the bottom of a cave.
It will come in a thin sheet of flurries,
as my eyes gaze at the sidewalk.
In another place, in ripples of loneliness,
I pick out faces.
At midnight when a man has no place
to go but in himself,
and a phantasmagoria approaches
from his back.

In a moment, I will turn
and like a boy seeing his first love again,
shout inside himself.
Opening my arms to the snow
as it washes over my cheeks,
my eyes moist with happiness.
A season of dark promises,
lightning flashing silently in the air.
I am being put to bed
with my heart at peace.
The first snow.
Faces in adjacent windows peering
from the darkness, joining me.

Published inIndex of all Poems