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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Getting to Know You

How old is the air
trembling in my hand?
Who made the first journey
in the light?
What paint does the earth use
to color its flowers,
or more particularly its children?

How many times are my thoughts repeated
time and again?
Over and over until only a sigh remains.
Why does the cosmos grow larger
with so many empty rooms?
How do we measure our youth
with eternity?
Is the rock older than a sparrow’s wing?
I throw it in the air for the first time.
Who gives away the world?

I’ve given you so many kisses,
which one was the sweetest?
I stand very still,
will the stillness find me?
Are the two things in my hand
worth the same amount of time?
Your fingers,
or the stone waiting to fly again.

Published inIndex of all Poems