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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

For the Time Being

The future invites me
to its uncertainty.
Do I want to know
what I don’t know?
Some things I know already.
I will die.
But how will I die?
Where will I die?
Existence is impossible
but it happens all the time.
Where was my atom born?

Am I the prodigy of random sex
or a love affair?
How does the future
enter human destiny?
I fell in love
with the love of my life,
a blind date!
Love at first sight!
The impossible attachment
of Romeo and Juliet.

It is dangerous to know the future.
For the inevitable
is our destruction.
It exists only
in the what will happen.
But not yet,
I gave my love a ring.
A will-be story of happiness
and loss.
For my happiness
I bequeath my destiny.
Where the future lives
and lives not.
A walk into the ocean.

Published inIndex of all Poems