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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Life is Long

One day, I thought,
life is short.
And then a rain began
to fall in me.
A wind began to blow
and tear the world apart.
The dirt pulled on my feet
and the life I had lived
became a stranger’s life,
a life I had led long ago,
somewhere else,
and in a twinkling,
in the flash of a smile,
I knew I had outgrown time.

I could never hope to know my life.
It was too huge,
too mysterious,
too sweet and sad,
and comes to me like riptides,
flashbacks into falling,
and if someone asked,
is life short?
I would tell them,
it is long,
incredibly distant,
and full of notes to myself,
not to forget,
no matter the cost.

Published inIndex of all Poems