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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Month: December 2009


The dawn of the human heart
opens in its eyes.
Manifesto of color.
I did not know my dog saw me
in black and white.
I saw such beauty in his eyes.
Ice and fire.
So does the universe dispose itself.
I would speak and he would bark,
That his nose discovered rhapsodies
I can never find,
and I wonder
was our hearing like each other’s?
Does the wing embrace like arms?

Do dolphins shout louder than I can hear?
Or the great strength of pythons
understand the feeling of the fog,
sensitive as air,
or time understand history
written with our words
and so said be timeless.

Animate and inanimate
sharing common ground,
much as destiny and fate
like brushes
pick up oil,
and on canvas
open windows into life
or into death,
or as sand,
which chooses one regard or another,
to walk upon its dunes,
or drift
written by the wind in them.