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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Month: November 2016

The Child

Out of wedlock a child will come.
A mother stricken by her daughter’s misfortune,
alone and accursed.
I give my heart to the mother
of the mother.
That she be at peace.
That her grandchild
come into an accepting world.
That she remember the interregnum
ended by a birth.

The faith of her religion.
A prophet bringing love.
A god if you choose.
That love is an imperative
stronger than death.
That the young bear the children
of our race in innocence.
Peace on earth if a child is wanted.
Peace on earth if a child is loved.
Peace on earth if innocence
is not called sin.

Then let life go on.
Let wisdom grow in the girl
like the child.
Let hope swell in her heart,
and do not be surprised
by the entrance of purity.
The coming of the wise.
It happens all the time.
Genesis and birth,
and a child,
delivered to your arms
from the hands of God.