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The book The House of the World has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is now available on Amazon.

Month: December 2011

In Love

Tell philosophy
I have no use for phantoms.
Tell science,
I am a work of art,
not an equation.
I tell you,
I love you in my world.
You are love
come upon me.
Flirt in a waterfront window.
with fingers reaching for my own.

You see me,
and suddenly I exist
seeing you.
There is a different sound
between us.
You rhyme with me.
You are a precipice
where I fall
and find wings
to fly across a room.
What is this,
that takes everything apart
and puts it back changed forever?

I am fragile
looking in your eyes,
the crossbow of your lips
aimed at mine.
There is no logic
in the symmetry of love.
I am tortured by passion.
Did I tell you
what I found
on the way to school?
A different world
for fools and lovers.
Fools lose their way.
Lovers walk in the rain,
and tie their hearts together
with rainbows.